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A range of early childhood centres and after school care<\/h1>\n

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The preschool and kindergarten at Bright Babes Early Learning Centre caters to 3 and 4-year-olds. Many have graduated through the Bright Babes nursery and toddler areas of our childcare centre, located on the same site at the preschool and kindergarten, although many come from other child care centres in Hamilton. With before and after school care also available and a convenient location directly beside Pukete School in Hamilton, it\u2019s easy to see why parents that use Bright Babes for their child\u2019s early childhood education are pleased with their decision.<\/p>\n

The curriculum is designed to build skills through play-based activities. Independence in all self-help skills is a major focus. Routines and rituals give order and meaning to time, and the predictability of these give stability to the children\u2019s days.<\/p>\n

You are welcome to visit our Hamilton day care, preschool or kindergarten to find out more. Give us a call or complete an enrolment enquiry to arrange a time.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


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Experiences in the pre-school years pave the way for children\u2019s future learning<\/h3>\n

Following on from the Bright Babes nursery and toddler child care centres, the preschool and kindergarten values virtues such as tolerance, co-operation, compassion, patience, perseverance, empathy, personal responsibility and self-discipline. These are qualities which will support children as they grow into responsible adults. Trained teachers model theses virtues as well as providing clear limits and boundaries for the children. Praise, encouragement and carefully selected storybooks will be used to reinforce examples of virtues.<\/p>\n

Foundation skills for literacy and mathematics are given through the use of a variety of materials with increasing complexity, as children gain skills and knowledge leading to…<\/p>\n