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A leader among childcare centres in Hamilton<\/h1>\n

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As a parent, you know that each age and stage of child development comes with its own challenges and many parents find the toddler years hardest of all. Based in Pukete, Hamilton, Bright Babes is a Hamilton childcare centre that provides your toddler with a safe, secure environment in which they can explore, learn and develop while being free to be, well, toddlers. The toddler area caters to children aged 10 to 36 months. There is also an infant daycare area for younger children, a preschool area that offers 20 hours ECE for 3 and 4-year-olds and, for children attending Pukete School, there is before and after school care available too.<\/p>\n

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With fantastic staff ratios in this area of our Hamilton daycare and a vibrant, stimulating environment, when you visit you can see for yourself how Bright Babes Early Learning Centre is a leader among childcare centres in Hamilton. Contact the team at Bright Babes today to arrange a viewing.<\/p>\n

Finely tuned childcare supports smooth transitions<\/h3>\n

The team at Bright Babes Early Learning Centre ensure children have very gradual transitions throughout their day care years, so they aren\u2019t anxious about the process. The toddlers are divided into two groups, aptly named \u2018Little Toddlers\u2019 and \u2018Big Toddlers\u2019.<\/p>\n

In Little Toddlers there is a strong emphasis on natural play materials, Toddlers that attended the infant daycare at Bright Babes prior will be reassured by many familiar resources. One of the most popular features of the Little Toddler area is the purpose-designed loft that incorporates tunnels, steps, a slide and chill-out space.<\/p>\n

Little Toddlers stop what they are doing briefly for inoi (M\u0101ori prayer and himene) twice a day with their teachers support, as part of a gradual increase in skill and confidence for transitioning to the Big Toddlers. As part of a move to Big Toddlers, children in the Little Toddlers group can access the wider environment of the Big Toddlers when child numbers are low.<\/p>\n

Big Toddlers adore water and messy play, so the team at Bright Babes Early Learning Centre cater for this natural desire to explore in a tactile way. Big Toddlers are provided with a simplified version of a preschool environment where puzzles, manipulative equipment, construction, books, family play and dress ups are available at varying times throughout the day.<\/p>\n

All toddlers are regularly observed to ensure that what is provided is matching their interests.<\/p>\n

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Our Hamilton daycare nurtures independence<\/h3>\n

Toilet training between two and three years of age is an important milestone for the Big Toddlers. Teachers follow the child\u2019s lead and work in partnership with the parents to help ensure this milestone is met in a stress-free way. Once your child is toileting independently they are ready to transition to the preschool area at Bright Babes Early Learning Centre.<\/p>\n

Your first stop when looking at childcare centres in Hamilton<\/h3>\n

Based in Pukete, Hamilton, families that attend Bright Babes Early Learning Centre often come from further afield, driving past a number of other services on their way. Recently, Bright Babes have catered to families living in Rototuna, Te Rapa, Queenwood and Forest Lake. Read some of their testimonials to find out why they choose Bright Babes Early Learning Centre over other kindergartens and NZ early childhood education providers.<\/p>\n

Many of the children in the Bright Babes toddler daycare area will have transitioned from the infant daycare area but Bright Babes also accept children enrolling during their toddler years (for example those that are coming from other childcare providers in Hamilton or from outside the area, and those who simply haven\u2019t needed to consider childcare centres previously). If you are looking for childcare in Pukete, Hamilton call today to see if we have a vacancy that meets your needs.<\/p>\n

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Make an enquiry…<\/span><\/h3>\n

Fill out this form and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.<\/p>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_contact_form captcha=”off” email=”support@kiwisites.co.nz” use_redirect=”on” redirect_url=”\/thanks” success_message=”Thanks. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.” submit_button_text=”Send Enquiry” form_background_color=”#ffffff” module_id=”et_pb_contact_form_0″ _builder_version=”3.3.1″ custom_button=”on” button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_bg_color=”#fe7b1b” button_border_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0)” button_border_radius=”34px” button_font=”||||||||”][et_pb_contact_field field_id=”First_Name_88″ field_title=”First Name*” _builder_version=”3.3.1″ form_field_font=”||||” border_radii=”on||||” use_border_color=”off”][\/et_pb_contact_field][et_pb_contact_field field_id=”Last_Name_88″ field_title=”Last Name*” _builder_version=”3.3.1″ form_field_font=”||||” border_radii=”on||||” use_border_color=”off”][\/et_pb_contact_field][et_pb_contact_field field_id=”Phone_88″ field_title=”Contact Number*” required_mark=”off” _builder_version=”3.3.1″ form_field_font=”||||” border_radii=”on||||” use_border_color=”off”][\/et_pb_contact_field][et_pb_contact_field field_id=”Email_88″ field_title=”Email Address*” field_type=”email” _builder_version=”3.3.1″ form_field_font=”||||” border_radii=”on||||” use_border_color=”off”][\/et_pb_contact_field][et_pb_contact_field field_id=”Message_88″ field_title=”Details” field_type=”text” fullwidth_field=”on” _builder_version=”3.3.1″ form_field_font=”||||” border_radii=”on||||” use_border_color=”off”][\/et_pb_contact_field][\/et_pb_contact_form][\/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”1_2″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][\/et_pb_column][\/et_pb_row][\/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.3.1″ custom_padding=”18px|0px|16px|0px|false|false” global_module=”26067″ saved_tabs=”all”][et_pb_row make_fullwidth=”on” custom_padding=”27px|0px|0|0px|false|false” _builder_version=”3.3.1″][et_pb_column type=”1_3″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.3.1″]<\/p>\n

Contact Details<\/span><\/h4>\n

07 849 6780<\/a><\/p>\n

Monday to Friday
7:30am – 5:30pm<\/p>\n

1 Cullimore Street
Pukete, Hamilton<\/p>\n

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